20 Affirmations inspired by Sister BK Shivani Ji’s Teachings

5 min read

It’s important to note that BK Shivani typically emphasizes concepts like self-awareness, inner peace, and spirituality. 

Table of Contents


Here are 20 affirmations, along with explanations for each:

BK Shivani affirmations

“I am a peaceful being, regardless of external circumstances.”  – BK Shivani

This affirmation encourages the recognition of inner peace as a state that isn’t dependent on external factors. It prompts the individual to cultivate a sense of tranquility within themselves despite the chaos around them.

“I trust in the process of life, knowing that everything unfolds as it should.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation fosters faith in the natural flow of life, reminding individuals to surrender control and trust in the universe’s plan. It encourages patience and acceptance of life’s twists and turns.

“I am worthy of love and respect, just as I am.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation emphasizes self-worth and self-acceptance. It encourages individuals to recognize their inherent value, irrespective of external judgments or validation from others.

“I release all fear and embrace the power of love.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation prompts individuals to let go of fear-based thinking and instead embrace love as a guiding force in their lives. It encourages a shift towards positivity, compassion, and empathy.

“I forgive myself and others, freeing myself from the burden of resentment.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation promotes the practice of forgiveness as a means of releasing negative emotions and moving forward with a lighter heart. It emphasizes self-compassion and the importance of letting go of past grievances.

“I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, big and small.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation encourages a mindset of gratitude, reminding individuals to appreciate the abundance and beauty present in their lives. It fosters a sense of contentment and joy in the present moment.

“I choose thoughts that empower and uplift me.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation emphasizes the power of positive thinking. It encourages individuals to consciously select thoughts that promote self-confidence, optimism, and personal growth.

“I am guided by intuition and trust in my inner wisdom.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation promotes self-trust and intuition. It encourages individuals to listen to their inner voice and follow their instincts when making decisions, leading to greater clarity and alignment with their true desires.

“I am deserving of abundance in all areas of my life.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation instills a sense of deservingness and an openness to receiving abundance in various forms, including love, wealth, and opportunities. It encourages individuals to embrace abundance as their birthright.

“I attract positive experiences and relationships into my life.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation focuses on the law of attraction, suggesting that individuals can manifest positive outcomes by maintaining a positive mindset and aligning their energy with their desires.

“I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenge.” – BK Shivani 

This affirmation promotes resilience and inner strength. It reminds individuals of their ability to navigate life’s obstacles with courage and perseverance, emerging stronger on the other side.

“I honor my body, mind, and spirit, treating them with care and respect.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation emphasizes self-care and holistic well-being. It encourages individuals to prioritize their physical, mental, and spiritual health, nurturing themselves on all levels.

“I release the need for perfection and embrace my authenticity.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation encourages individuals to let go of unrealistic standards of perfection and instead embrace their true selves, flaws and all. It fosters self-acceptance and authenticity.

“I am a beacon of light, spreading love and positivity wherever I go.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation inspires individuals to embody qualities of kindness, compassion, and positivity. It encourages them to be a source of light and inspiration to others, uplifting the energy of their surroundings.

“I let go of comparison and celebrate my unique journey.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation prompts individuals to release the habit of comparing themselves to others and instead focus on their own path and progress. It fosters self-compassion and appreciation for one’s unique strengths and experiences.

“I am in harmony with the rhythms of nature, finding balance in all areas of my life.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation encourages individuals to align with the natural cycles of life and seek balance in their actions and priorities. It promotes harmony between work, rest, and play.

“I embrace change as an opportunity for growth and transformation.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation invites individuals to welcome change as a catalyst for personal evolution. It encourages them to adopt a mindset of curiosity and openness, viewing challenges as stepping stones to progress.

“I let go of worry and trust in the divine timing of my life.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation encourages individuals to release anxiety about the future and instead have faith in the unfolding of their life journey. It fosters a sense of surrender and trust in the universe’s plan.

“I am the creator of my reality, shaping my experiences with my thoughts and actions.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation empowers individuals to take ownership of their lives and recognize their role in creating their reality. It encourages them to harness the power of their thoughts and intentions to manifest their desired outcomes.

“I am a soul connected to all beings, united in love and compassion.” – BK Shivani

This affirmation emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of fostering love and compassion towards others. It encourages individuals to recognize the divine spark within themselves and others, promoting unity and empathy.

These affirmations draw from Sister BK Shivani Ji’s teachings on spirituality, self-awareness, and inner transformation. They serve as powerful reminders to cultivate positive thinking, self-love, and alignment with higher truths in everyday life.

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